Wednesday, June 15, 2011

10 Benefits Of Having A Website

1.   Cheaper And More Flexible Than Print Or Radio Advertising
The Internet is extremely different from print or radio advertising in that space is cheap, your advertisement is accessible for a longer period of time, the content can be changed without having to ask someone to do it for you and you can potentially reach a wider audience.

2. World Wide Presence
Breaking out of your local market has never been easier as a web site is available worldwide.  Now, where you were limited to your local market, the boundaries are removed and potential customers from around the world can see your site and what you offer.

3. Multiple Revenue Streams
A website is more than just an address on the internet, it is a representation of your company and also an advertising avenue where anyone can acquire information about your company, your products, and your services … anything that you want them to know.

4. Always Available Even When You Aren’t Open
Just because your store is closed doesn’t mean you can’t still help customers.  Now you can leave all the information about your store on your page like your office location, hours, and any special notices. 

5. Convenience
The internet has made it easier for a person to research a product, saving them the hassle of having to travel somewhere to find out the same information.  A potential customer can visit your website whenever they want, without having to travel and waste time, and see your services and products without any distractions.

6. Increased Credibility
Properly designed websites give you the opportunity show potential customers what you have to offer, who you are, and so much more.  You can earn a potential customers trust and confidence with a properly designed website.  It is pretty standard for a potential customer to research the products or services before they actually make a purchase of any type.

7. Not Just A Brick And Mortar Store
Getting lost trying to find a place can be frustrating for a potential customer.  A lot of websites now publish directions on their website that connect to live maps where they can get exact directions to your store, helping to save them frustration and you a possible sale. 

8. Growth
Ultimately, you are in business to make money, and a website offers you even more ways to draw in customers … and we know more customers generally turns into more money.

9. Communicative Marketing
Customers can quickly and easily give feedback on your product and/or marketing approach.

10. Market Research Without The Excess Costs
Adding features on your website such as visitor polls and online surveys help you understand what your customers like and do not like helping you to improve your products, services, or presence.

By Cloud Tek Software, a custom software and website design company in McAlester, OK.

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